Full service creative thinking.

Helping brands succeed wherever their audiences are

We are passionate about the endless ways that we can build brands today. A world where we can pair the right message and big idea to the right audience at the right time.

The legend of our name.

Apothecaries’ recipes are based on very precise weights and measures. A pound is 12 ounces, and every ounce is 8 drachms, and each drachm has 3 scruples, or 60 grains. So a pound was actually equal to about 5,760 grains. For us, The Pound is the big picture ideas, strategy, and innovation we bring to the table. The Grain is how we bring those ideas to life and the delivery of those ideas with technology, media and performance tactics.

Our services

Big picture thinking and innovation meets performance based media and results

The Pound & Grain experience

Every agency will tell you about how they do things. This is how our sausage gets made.

Small Teams

Agility and teamwork 
makes the dream work.

Senior Talent

Always. On every
single project.

Human First

In a world of bots,
we're not.

Whole-Brain Thinking

Creative decisions are
collaborative chess moves.


Going the extra
mile is a given.

Extra Mustard

That one extra thing.
The sound. That feel.

A culture of hustle

We founded Pound & Grain to ensure that we got to put digital marketing ideas at the forefront. We wanted to make sure that marketers invested wisely and didn’t spend it on managing the account. Our approach in that first year: working hard, bold experimentation, learning from mistakes, and trying the impossible has now became a part of who we are. Today, that hustle is what we strive for everyday.

Rule 1

Work Hard

Rule 2

Be Nice

Rule 3

Think Big

Rule 4

Love Digital

Rule 5

Have Fun

Meet the leadership team

Client Services